She can be killed by the big red button. She announced that someone killed her over the PA when she got killed. I forgot what happened immediately after that though. I thought the marble thing was irreversible. They marbleized and ate Bad Janet didn’t they?
Even though she says she’s been murdered it’s really just a reboot and update.
As for the marbleization it’s reversible. In season 4 Bad Janet marbleized our good Janet. Later after being transported to The Bad Place, Bad Janet un-marbleized Janet.
She can be killed by the big red button. She announced that someone killed her over the PA when she got killed. I forgot what happened immediately after that though. I thought the marble thing was irreversible. They marbleized and ate Bad Janet didn’t they?
Even though she says she’s been murdered it’s really just a reboot and update.
As for the marbleization it’s reversible. In season 4 Bad Janet marbleized our good Janet. Later after being transported to The Bad Place, Bad Janet un-marbleized Janet.