New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe::More than 38 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Ontario as of Oct. 8, with 23,002 reports of adverse reactions, an incidence of 0.06 per cent, Public Health Ontario says
You mean, they told people they couldn’t spread a dangerous virus to others? How very “fash.”
Fuck that bullshit.
If the vaccines completely stopped the virus spreading, this may have been a good point.
People die in car accidents despite wearing their seatbelts. Forcing people to wear their seatbelts while driving is wrong because it doesn’t grant 100% survival rate.
Ah, the classic “seatbelt analogy”. Everyone’s favourite vaccine analogy that makes zero sense if you actually just stop and think about it for a minute.
Go on.
How long a minute are you taking? It’s been three years.
I’m actually an excellent driver while drunk. Maybe some people can’t handle it but, but I haven’t had an accident once. The laws should be updated to make it legal since drinking and driving doesn’t 100% guarantee you’ll get into an accident.
Another ridiculous analogy.
Keep going, maybe you might get to one that makes sense.
you know you’re actually supposed to provide counter arguments, maybe explaining your reasoning and thought process?
He can’t though. Only allude to being able to.