I write this with homemade maple jalapeno cornbread in my mouth, gifted to me by the bar staff at my local pub this evening. This is simultaneously the best and most unexpected thing I’ve ever brought home from a bar, my significant other excepted.

This got me thinking: what is the weirdest thing you’ve brought home from the bar, Lemmy?

  • Drunemeton@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Be me: out drinking with friends for several hours.

    Be them: acting completely normal.

    Be me: drinking makes you pee, so me go pee, many times.

    Be us: we’re drunk! Having a great time.

    Be them: still acting completely normal.

    Be me: say good night and put on my leather jacket.

    Be me brain: Damn I’m drunk cuz this thing feels like it weights a ton ! Stumble home.

    Be me front door: watching the confused, bemused, astonished drunk reach for his keys and pull lemon after lime after orange out of his pockets, but no keys.

    Be me front door glass: Watching him stuff them into his jeans pockets like a never ending clown car of NINE pieces of citrus.

    Be me keyhole: Watching drunk-e-poo finally find his keys, and let himself in.

    Be me: laughing and drunk and wondering what the hell’s going on…

    Be them: laughing their asses off, wondering when I’d finally notice that every time I got up to pee they took whole bar garnish and put it in my pockets.