• CatZoomies@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    This was super awesome to check out. Pokémon was my childhood so it was great vicariously glimpsing what Pokémon Fever looked like in the 90s when Pokémon Yellow was about to release. I was young so I only remember tidbits, but I tried to keep as much merch as I could when I was young. I forgot about those bouncy balls with Pokémon figurines in them - I had a few but they’re long gone.

    Thanks for sharing this because I never heard of this channel! Incidentally I love periodically browsing the Internet Archive and viewing old restored footage from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Fascinating to view a snapshot of real persons that are long dead and forgotten, imagining what the future would be like when they were gone.

    Edit: Oh, a bot posted this. Well, thank you for your service! o7