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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024

  • The focus on seniors (from pick your poison politician) is fine and all… I realize a lot of people are seniors, and they are reliable voters and stuff.

    Seriously though, I’m so fucking tired of hearing about what seniors will/could get from the next term, and this isn’t a lot better. There’s some good stuff, but cmon, you aren’t actually going to sway entrenched old people no matter what you give them.

    I love sanders, I went to see him speak a few months back when he was at a union hall locally. But this country is mostly -not- old people. We really need to stop catering to them, at our own expense.

    I’m almost 40. I don’t give a flying fuck into a rolling donut about seniors compared to the entirety of the working class. You know, the people making all their entitlements solvent? They fucked it up already, and they had their chance to fix it many many times since. As a generation, they fucking failed to do anything meaningful for us, their progeny, why should we prostrate ourselves to them? They are going to fucking die soon, and while we should absolutely take proper care of them…. (So please don’t misunderstand this rage)


    (Full disclosure, I’m presently a canvasser for the Harris/Walz ticket, and I’ve talked to a lot of old people who only give a fuck about what it means for them. They have kids, they have grandkids, but their only concern is why they get out of it, and that’s fucking disgusting. I hate talking to those selfish assholes. I do it because it’s my job, but holy shit do I just want to say “cool story, bro” and walk away. Also those fuckers don’t shut up about what they want. Don’t care grandpa, you aren’t even part of the economy anymore except what they can extract from your estate to keep you alive, so your kids get nothing…)

  • It has gotten to the point where the people I know just wholly believe almost everything I say, unless I preface or follow up with “I’m pretty sure that’s right but now I’m gunna double check” (and if I’m wrong because of new info, or I misremembered something, I totally own it, and read the correction from someone else out loud)

    I could so very easily horribly mislead all the people I know, because I’m a random information machine, but I almost never say things I’m not entirely sure about without the preface or follow up combined with actively looking it up and setting the record straight. If I turned evil, it would take them years to realize it was intentional.

    New people are fun. They challenge me a lot on things I don’t need to preface or follow up. Never works out that well for them, but we get to learn about each other!

  • Around here, that stuff tacks on a huge convenience fee for pick and pack, making it actively not worth doing. Last I looked, it was some $18 fee no matter how many items, and I’d still have to drive 20 min to pick it up, so might as well just… do my own shopping. (For reference, I live alone in a semi-rural area, so each trip is like $100)

    Now if I could get it delivered (same fee, but nobody has a service area that overlaps my address), that’d be a different story.