Now that is headcanon I can get behind.
Tholian: “Hehehe, make the inside white so you easily see them bleeeeed!”
Now that is headcanon I can get behind.
Tholian: “Hehehe, make the inside white so you easily see them bleeeeed!”
But they do know you have an amazing singing voice.
“Please reconnect mouse to continue.”
Part of my top ten TNG episodes.
The only use of a Runabout in the series, the first time we get to see how Romulan ships are powered, outstanding job getting the cast and scores of extra to stand perfectly still while filming scenes, open ending that doesn’t resolve or completely explain what was happening.
You also forgot a third, and more popular meme is also from this episode:
loudly places hand on side of face
Data reorganizing an entire bay of isolinear chips in Main Engineering (10-hours, no ads)
There is absolutely no reason in a fair and just world why my Pro Controller wouldn’t be able to sync to the Switch 2. So foolishly assuming we live in a fair and just world, I’m probably never going to use the Joycons ever.
This is one of the many reasons we shouldn’t be allowed to leave.
Space crabs.
I seriously doubt they’re in the Federation. Especially during that time.
Favorite movie is Wrath of Khan
Headcanons the Betazed being responsible for TOS uniforms
I think you’re a bigger fan than you realize.
That would actually be fun headcanon.
Who do you think made the monster maroons?
Bashir was so embarrassed he changed uniforms.
The original title without the words Star Trek just looks so lonely.
~Waiting for my T-800~
an android crashes through the wall wielding a shotgun
“Come with me if you want to live.”
Dad: “Be yourself… in front of other people.”
Kid: “Oh.”
They should have handled it like Stargate (or Lower Decks):
O’Brien: “Haven’t we met before?”
Dukat: “I don’t believe so.”
O’Brien: “On the Enterprise, a few years ago. Someone who looks just like you but had a partial beard.”
Dukat: laughs “Oh, that guy. You’re not the first person to make that mistake. He’s nowhere near as handsome as me.”
He wants to know why you haven’t started rioting.
O’Brien just casually rattling a Cardassian while having a drink. War hero AND a union man.
“Seven circles! There ARE seven circles!”