dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️

Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Data was a person, to the extent that there was a very famous episode exploring defining him as such. He may have been a machine, but he had clear free will and was capable of thinking for himself, to the extent that the Federation even at their level of technology at the time had no idea how to make another one of him. He was not made specifically to fill a Starfleet uniform, either – Enrolling in Starfleet academy was his idea and he earned his commission just like everybody else. That’s not something a toaster would do, no matter how complicated of a little song it can beep.

    The existing crew of the Enterprise certainly knew this having already served with him for some time, several of them having their asses saved by him personally, and one of said asses also having been tapped.

    I imagine Sales™ would not manage to clear that bar, and Pulaski would have no idea either way (unless maybe she were thoroughly briefed).

  • That happens in Super Castlevania/4, and then subsequently un-happens and never fully comes back. I have no idea WTF was up with that decision. Being able to whip in all directions was rad.

    You can kinda-sorta whip diagonally upwards in Castlevania: Bloodlines and you can still do the thing where you hold the button down and fidget around impotently with the whip in Rondo of Blood and Dracula X, but that’s about it. Oh, and I guess you can do the thing in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon where you helicopter the thing around and it does crap for damage, too. Lame.

  • And for those of you not in the know…

    Gradius, right? Konami’s many-sequeled, side scrolling shoot-'em-up game? They made a spin off series called Parodius (parody + Gradius, geddit?) and it was utterly bizarre.

    I’ll just leave this here as an example:

    This is the 2nd level boss from Jikkyō Oshaberi Parodius, one of the SNES incarnations. You are a cat wielding a loaf of bread as a shield, fighting not just a kaiju sized schoolgirl wearing bunny ears, but two of them, one standing on the other’s shoulders. Who attack you by throwing angry Moai heads at you riding on paper airplanes and stuff. This is after you fought your way through a shmup stage that’s a Japanese high school based on Konami’s visual novel property, Tokimeki Memorial.

    In the first level you ultimately fight your way through a disco, blasting at, among other things, multicolored penguins who are wearing afro wigs. While a SNES chiptune rendition of KC & The Sunshine Band’s “That’s The Way I Like It” plays in the background. The boss of that stage is an opera singing panda. I promise you I am not making this up.

    Just… Just look at this.


  • They barely even fact checked him in the first place. They called him on a total of, what, three things? As opposed to the probably dozens of other complete untruths he uttered, not even just about policy and so forth but actual empirically verifiable elements of reality?

    Here’s just what I spotted:

    • Lied about not being involved with Project 2025 and not knowing what it is. We know he is acutely aware of what it is, and in fact some members of his staff were involved in its framing.
    • Lied about the number of immigrants coming into the country.
    • Further lied stating that other countries were “sending all their criminals and mental patients.”
    • Claimed people were “aborting” babies after birth (called out by moderators).
    • Claimed Harris said she would ban fracking in Pennsylvania (called out by Harris).
    • Lied about crime rates going “through the roof” (called out by moderators).
    • Responded to this by claiming FBI crime stats were falsified by “leaving out problem cities.”
    • Lied about migrants eating people’s pets (called out by moderators).
    • Lied about inflation numbers post-pandemic.
    • Lied claiming that “Biden” built the Nordstream pipeline.
    • Distorted the truth by claiming he won more votes than any sitting president in the last election, failing to mention that Biden still got more.

    There were probably others.

    He also essentially admitted that his plan for the war in Ukraine was to just let Russia win. That should be pretty damn worrisome for anyone.