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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Yes, I’ve been through several cheap ones now and I finally shelled out for a PetLibro one that knocks the others out of the water entirely. Highly recommend. Encourages my cat to drink and runs much more cleanly and quietly than the others. Plus there’s no slimy pump cable dangling around and being generally annoying when I go to add water or clean it.

    I’m partial to this company as I got their auto feeder a while back and that had also been pretty solid. So now they match 😸 I’m sure there’s other good ones out there though.

    Issue with the cheap ones is the filter systems tend to be poorly thought out so all sorts of junk gets past them. Also, if any light shines into the tank it’s impossible to keep up with algae growth without dumping the entire tank every other day. Which wastes water and defeats the purpose of the tank.

  • Speak of the devil…

    I know what a 3 dimensional axis looks like. Trying to make my cram my hand into a poor approximation of one does not help me personally understand fields.

    I don’t know how I should be the one to come up with a better shorthand if I’m the one being taught and not understanding.

  • I wish I had that cat. Mine is of the variety that one day (I think she got a UTI and that created an association between the box and pain) decided that she will not pee in a box where she can see poo and will instead elect to pee next to the box. Sometimes even if it’s clean she won’t use it.

    I finally had to invest in reusable pee pads for her after going through a pack of 50 disposables with no consistent correction in behavior. I also got a sifting wood pellet box for easier maintenance and a silica crystal box in another room for good measure. And line the inappropriate areas she wants to pee on with tin foil so she gets the message that it’s not a good place to do that. And a big ol gallon of anti icky poo for whatever falls through the cracks.

    She’s getting better since I tightened up the tin foil boundary though!