• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024

  • I’ve had a scalp biopsy before. The specific spot they cut will have a scar and if it’s a large area and you keep your hair extremely short, then you might be able to spot the specific spot, but generally speaking, no. It won’t case hair loss. I honestly don’t even remember where they cut me. They should also give you a little shot of numbing agent, so it shouldn’t hurt much at all during and then afterwards it’s just like any other incision.

    No biggie, and generally always well worth it if your doctor thinks they seem something worth cutting off.

  • If you’re ready to take the plunge into mechanical, Keychrons are a solid way to get one that is not absurd if all you want is “one nice keyboard,” but usually has enough customizability to be satisfying if you fall down that particular rabbit hole. For a bog standard board, any of your listed options are fine, as are most of the options on pcpartpicker.com, and even dumb ol’ Walmart will have a couple of logitechs and some rebranded thing stuff no worse than your average pack-in desktop keyboard, and potentially even a couple of mildly satisfying low-end mech boards, once you turn off the godwaful RGB.

    If you shop the actual electronics at Amazon, I’d recommend “sold by Amazon” or at a minimum fulfilled by them. If you do Prime, limit to Prime listings. Your includion of BestBuy implies you’re in the US, in which case I might avoid vendors that ship from China, at least until the tariff situation stabilizes.

  • Mine is related to my name but is not my name. I’ve been using it so long and in so many places that I decided I need a pronunciation and decided on “wudgerie,” which is also not my name. Anyone who knows me IRL could figure out who I am without much trouble, and a dedicated investigator could probably dig it up (that’s NOT a challenge, BTW 🤣) with a pretty high level of confidence without breaking a sweat, but (1) I allow for that in what I say online, and (2) I kind of like having an online persona that is mostly just the real me with a bit of anonymity. Keeps me grounded and reminds me that all you assholes are real people too (except you, @GiantRobotTittiesTeeHeeHee@definitelynotabot.ai… or you, Georgia Bulldog fans).

  • While the progress towards making printers user friendly is impressive, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a company whose mandate and path was clearer than Bambu’s.

    From the beginning, they’ve hemmed and hawed about contributing their source code changes required by the licenses of software they’re using, and they have built in the infrastructure that would allow them to “flip switches” to lock users out of functionality when they decide it’s a plausible market strategy (e.g. default cloud connections, tightly integrated website/repository, and RFID “identification” readers with non-generic codes), all while taking VC, charging a premium, and presenting a customer-facing image that emphasizes their similarity to vendors in more mature and locked-down segments. They’re not a walled garden right now, but many those foundations look really solid, LOL.

    I’m not immune to taking the path of least resistance. I have an iPhone, my Xitter account is the only one I’ve actually deactivated, and I use a couple of Windows-only commercial software packages, but I do flatter myself to think I’m clear-eyed about what I’m giving up. Bambu has always been “Enshittification-ready.”