This is an article written last year about a fascist-in-progressive-clothing festival in Vermont called ‘Libertystock’. This thing is going to be happening again Dec. 12-14 at the Bellow Falls Opera House in Bellow Falls, VT under a new name: the “Liberty Food Fest”. People are more than annoyed by this thing and not only want to get the word out, but also show exactly the kind of people that would gravitate to the likes of a Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for example.

    2 months ago

    The sad thing is that the qons have completely perverted some rather common terms, including “liberty”. Other terms include: patriotic, freedom, elitist, activism, etc…

    When you hear people using these terms these days, you definitely have to dig in a bit more to understand what they are talking about. There was a fairly good piece on the notion of Northern liberty as opposed to Southern liberty that highlighted this pretty well, even if it didn’t talk about the overall attack on language and terms from the extreme right wing.