But then I’m liable if I panic and break a window to escape
How the Hell did we let them get away with building these things without passenger-accessible emergency stop buttons?
They have passenger-accessible emergency stop buttons. The car bugged out and couldn’t find a safe place to stop.
Okay, so I should clarify: when I say “emergency stop” I mean EMERGENCY STOP. As in, trust the human to know what they’re doing, immediately slam on the breaks to the point of anti-lock, engage the parking brake once the wheels stop turning, and then straight-up cut power to the whole fucking thing by physically blowing the high-voltage disconnect. Hell, now that I think about it, it should probably just cut power instantly and have a purely mechanical fail-safe to lock the brakes so the car skids to a halt. (Screw anti-lock brakes; it’s not as important as getting the whole system shut off as quickly as possible.)
The point is, the passenger hitting that stop button means something is very very wrong and everything needs to stop and shut off right fucking now, regardless of circumstances. The computer may very well be in a fucked-up state and cannot be relied upon to control the car anymore. I mean, think about a worst-case scenario, something like “the car ran over a pedestrian who is now stuck in the wheel well and about to be shredded by the spinning tire / crushed by the wheel steering.” Enabling the car to continue to apply any control inputs other than braking, even for a fraction of a second (let alone the time to “find a safe place to stop”), would be unacceptable.
That’s how “emergency” an “emergency stop” is supposed to be!
You have some real confidence in people’s common sense. Every vehicle in the fleet would be blown inside a week.
you know trains have emergency stops that any passenger can pull, right? and yet i have never ever ever ever heard of that happening, despite trains regularly being literally full of passengers.
Idk I was just correcting your assumption…
It should be a kill switch, software independent.
That emergency brakes the vehicle in the middle of traffic?
As the last resort, yes.
If you see a baby or child just felt from sidewalk, you don’t hit brakes?
I do, if I’m driving. But the passenger is not the driver.
Should’a, would’a, could’a. Capitalism 101, don’t fix a problem you created until either the PR gets to spicy, the government forces you to, or you get bought out and the process starts all over again.
Break the window and GTFO.
But, can you jump into the driver seat and apply the brakes, then neutral gear?
I mean why the fuck would you ride in that shit anyway. You want driverless get on a bus.
did you forget bus drivers exist?
It’s the same shit and the automated car is listening to you way way more.