This has probably been asked before but I wanted to add another layer/an alternative.

So, I ask, where did your username/pseudonym/nickname originate from? What’s the meaning behind it?

Or alternatively, which is the most creative/interesting nickname origin you have come across?

    2 months ago

    Mine is related to my name but is not my name. I’ve been using it so long and in so many places that I decided I need a pronunciation and decided on “wudgerie,” which is also not my name. Anyone who knows me IRL could figure out who I am without much trouble, and a dedicated investigator could probably dig it up (that’s NOT a challenge, BTW 🤣) with a pretty high level of confidence without breaking a sweat, but (1) I allow for that in what I say online, and (2) I kind of like having an online persona that is mostly just the real me with a bit of anonymity. Keeps me grounded and reminds me that all you assholes are real people too (except you,… or you, Georgia Bulldog fans).