From my experience, most FOSS software is very user friendly user-centric / user-focused, while proprietary stuff is shit. What is the most notable exception to this rule that comes to your mind?

Edit: With user friendliness, I don’t mean UI design, but things like how the software is handling user privacy, whether it sees its users as users or as money-making cattle, how it handles user feedback, compatibility with other software the user uses (vs. vendor lock-in), configurability, and similar issues.

Edit2: I was made aware that user friendliness is a defined term:

    2 months ago

    Funny story, a guy I used to work with was like “hey, let’s study Japanese” and I was like “OK”, LOL. After that I spent the following 3 years studying Japanese and he quit after a week or so, which didn’t surprised me since he has that kind of personality, good kid tho. The hardest part was finding a way of studying effectively, it was the first time I tried learning a language by myself so I spent most of the time horsing around with methods that don’t work. Nowadays I mostly do Anki plus lots of input.