I’d drive one if the price was right. Yall are too into signaling. I hate what’s going on in the us and world but it’s just a car and a fairly eco friendly one at that. Yall seriously wouldn’t drive one if they were free??? What if they paid you? Those and crazier are part of the question if phrased as the title suggests.
Lucky for you, now’s a great time to snap up cheap, used Teslas without giving a cent to Musk. Plenty of people that already bought them now want to sell them because they are worried about vandals. But if that’s not a concern for you, then good news!
Still not anywhere near cheap enough for me to make any sense. I just think people are being disingenuous when they say things like the other responder who said they couldn’t be paid enough to drive one. Doubt.
Who are 1/3. Would like to know.
Tech bros, libertarians, contrarians and people who don’t ’follow politics’.
Probably people wanting to buy a used EV for dirt cheap. Logo swap it or buy some stickers, wham, beater EV.
Probably clueless people because polls can be rigged.
I’d drive one if the price was right. Yall are too into signaling. I hate what’s going on in the us and world but it’s just a car and a fairly eco friendly one at that. Yall seriously wouldn’t drive one if they were free??? What if they paid you? Those and crazier are part of the question if phrased as the title suggests.
Lucky for you, now’s a great time to snap up cheap, used Teslas without giving a cent to Musk. Plenty of people that already bought them now want to sell them because they are worried about vandals. But if that’s not a concern for you, then good news!
Still not anywhere near cheap enough for me to make any sense. I just think people are being disingenuous when they say things like the other responder who said they couldn’t be paid enough to drive one. Doubt.
Eco-friendly but socio-pathic.