• teft@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    My favorite Sisko mood is when he’s breaking down or really angry. Like when he’s yelling at Odo about calling the cops in Far Among the Stars:

    You go ahead! Call them! Call anybody you want. They can’t do anything to me. Not anymore. And nor can any of you. I am a human being, damn it. You can deny me all you want but you cannot deny Ben Sisko. He exists! That future, that space station, all those people, they exist in here. In my mind, I created it. And every one of you know it. You read it. It’s here. You hear what I’m telling you? You can pulp a story but you cannot destroy an idea. Don’t you understand? That’s ancient knowledge. You cannot destroy an idea. That future, I created it, and it’s real. Don’t you understand? It is real! I created it and it’s real! It’s real! Oh, God. (Benny collapses, sobbing.)