Once AI can develop code it can be used to improve itself in a feedback loop that would take short time to reach skynet.
We’d be the last of our species once it would want more resources than we’d be able to give it
Once AI can develop code it can be used to improve itself in a feedback loop that would take short time to reach skynet.
We’d be the last of our species once it would want more resources than we’d be able to give it
This right here
I see clickbaity titles like this all day, every day. Same for batteries, 99.9% of the articles are just pure fluff that shouldn’t have been written in the first place
I’m tired of the lies and bullshit everywhere everyone runs with bullshit and these days the Internet has turned into 95% bullshit and grifting. Just make clickbait to get more money, who gives a shit what’s real and what’s not
As vlc is open source, can we expect this technology to also be available for, say, jellyfin, so that I can for once and for all have subtitles.done right?
Edit: I think it’s great that vlc has this, but this sounds like something many other apps could benefit from
Since VLC is open source, can we expect this AI subtitle generator as a separate product that could be used in, say, jellyfin?
Too small to not fail
The other thing for lithium is that its light, VERY light, which of course is ideal for hand sets. Manufacturers love the light and slim designs even though consumers would prefer to have a handset that can go 7 days without a charge
That goes for avout any service. Taxis should be using a public protocol but instead we have evil über and that’s it.
Joe Rogan is very much part of the misinformation media, he continuously gets guests talking crazy shit and he always nods along, yeah yeah, and people form some stupid reason just lap it up
Can we, for the love of fuck, put laws in placenthst require that as soon as a group of a certain size (say 50+) listens to you, that you are responsible for what you’re saying and that you’re required to ensure that your information is scientifically correct?
I’m sorry, but fuck free speech as so many people are raving about. Its the worst thing that has happened to the world since the Internet came on. All idiots now have a loud voice and the vast majority of humans apparently are very poorly equipped to weed out this bullshit.
No, your “pyramid curing cancer theory being blocked by big pharma” is NOT real, does NOT have a right to be heard, and is NOT a positive for humanity.
Yes, yes, we should be able to say what we want (within reason) but once you’d tart getting a following, that’s it. No more, PLEASE. YOU HAVE YO START BEING TRUTHFUL AND FACTUAL. Why do we continue to allow people to lie their asses off to groups to manipulate others? Hell, even US presidents do this in insane amounts. Even Obama lied at least a little in like 25% of is statements? And he was a low outlier. Trump lies about 90% of the time at pants on fire levels and we’re all fine with it. First amendment rules ftw!
Trump would never have been in power if we had something like this. Medical quackery would be gone as Dr Oz can no longer sell his snake oil bullshit. Churches would be gone, yikes… Imagine marketing if companies were required to be actually truthful about their products?
News organizations!
OMFG. So Fox news sues the US government to not be held to standards requiring them to be factual because first amendment… So quite literally everything coming from them today is a lie. Its all bullshit. Why do we allow this and just laught at them? Why does nobody see the danger of just allowing news organizations to lie to the populace to divide the people, to get false ideas in their heads, to fill them with false hatred…
If Fox news and the likes would have been required to be truthful there would be no trump, the racial divide in the US would have been a whole lot less than it is today. And when I mean truthful I also mean the things they focus on, the insinuations, the pundits with their opinions.
Why why why, why do we allow any of this? What the fuck, world? The first amendment is not worth ending up in world was three because we MUST allow special interests to lie yo everyone, first amendment!
Start requiring that companies MUST be truthful. Presidents and governments MUST be truthful in claims to their citizens. Celebrity or someone with a following? You must be truthful in your claims.
We either start growing up as humanity or this will be our downfall. We are at the edge of the end of humanity as we have known it for centuries due to climate change (and have no doubt, it fucking will end everything we know today) but can’t even have a basic discussion about how to stop or reverse this because special interests are allowed to use their news outlets to just scream that climate change is a hoax.
We just allow that. The theater is on fire and we can’t even have a discussion on how to escape out because even though the flames are right there, the theater owner keeps screaming over everyone that all is okay, there is no fire, we don’t have to escape.
Its gotten to the point where no meaningful discussion is possible anymore because we vant even agree about the basic facts in front of us anymore.
This has got to stop. The lies have to stop, we need basic facts.
Just to put some perspective over here:
Pretty much the exact same thing in pretty much the exact words is being said on the other (right wing) side of things. Its just the things being tolerated are different
I honestly think that the bigger issue here isn’t so much tolerance but certain parties that keep pointing out relatively small things to the common people (mostly on the right side of the political spectrum) and go “ooohhg my God can you believe these evil fuckers and they will do that to children too and won’t anyone think of the children”. Basically I’m talking trump, musk, Fox news, that sort of shit.
I’ve long held the believe that Trump did untold damage and harm to millions, but the biggest harm he has done is the division he’s sown. There has always been a rather steep divide in the US, but that divide has grown into a fucking ocean between the two sides.
I think most people in the US, when receiving the actual proper facts, would really not think and feel that different. Nobody would rage against universal healthcare, why would they? You only do that when you’re misinformed.
Not trying to excuse anyone, not trying to say that most trump supporters aren’t insufferable assholes, but the vast majority of them wouldn’t be as bad had they have access to actual news sources, had they not been constantly lied to.
Now with what you said, please understand that there are loads of highly armed militia groups out there in the US that would love to go into detail of that “any means necessary”. Were this to happen, you’re basically talking civil war. once that happens, everyone loses, you will too.
I think that the only way to repair this divide is to keep building bridges, keep talking, keep listening, because once it gets too far, then that’s it. One only has to look at Yugoslavia as an example of what happens when neighbor starts massacring neighbors. There is no winning for anyone.
Makes sense for any country tondo this because as has become clear, it doesn’t matter if you’re a democracy or a dictatorship, if you are liking musk and face or not, X and meta can and will destabilize your country and once it happens, there is nothing you can do about it except banning the entire site, which will be an unpopular choice.
Musk especially has shown to be all about himself and he’ll just push whatever political right wing party to destabilize a country.
Fuck x, fuck Facebook
Oohh, that sweet sweet time when Victoria was doing the AMAs, it was amazing…
I still can’t believe they just dumped her, she was fucking awesome and got awesome people to the AMAs. Truly a celeb amongst many and I don’t even know what she looks like, or where she was from. Just “Victoria”
As always, democrat leaves solid economy, Republican comes in and trashes it then at the end claims that initial sturdy economy was all the Republicans.
Don’t worry though, trump will toss all this off a cliff so hard that we’ll be in a deep recessi by this time next year
A very large and powerful platform for web and command line processesing with a gazillion features.
If they don’t have an online presence and neither do their peers, how would they be cyber bullied?
I’m sure bullying will go on, old school, in the streets, but cyber bullying is one of the things that will go away with this
I think this is great. There are about one or two generations worth of people that had social media while being kids and I think they should stop acting as if it’s the end of the world if it would go away. I fully understand that you grew up with it and don’t know any netter but believe you me: you can do without, you can survive without, you will be better without.
Go outside, touch grass, have fun, be a kid again.
That musk tweet claiming he is a socialist is just nauseating
Yeah, I remember watching Elon personally shooting fire Jewish babies to death yesterday and curb stomping a few more…
Oh wait, that didn’t happen and FFS dude, stop with the hyperbolic nonsense. Elon musk is the scum of the earth but he is by far still not further right than Hitler. He very well may become, but for the moment he’s not.
Jesus Christ on a pogostick, is that Cthulhu’s baby or something?
And then a spaceship landed, and little aliens came out and went all “Bing badabing!” (That, by the way is LITERALLY how that guy imitates gun sounds)
Oh yeah, they are indeed struggling to make ends meet which is exactly why they’re doing this because THIS is what makes them money. Outrage sells so if they have to sell trump, they sell trump.
Is it cynical? I’m sure it is, it’s also what it is
Why? At this point the US IS a third world country.
Look at it. There is a rich ruling class, and most that aren’t in it are poor enough to barely make it to the end of the month. The countries main focus is the military, which is too notch, and the test just really sucks. Its led by a dictator wannabe and so rife with corruption that they don’t even try to hide it anymore.
Any other county would be called a third world country, why not the US? Just because it’s in absolute terms rich doesn’t mean that all join in the riches or rights.