Yahoo yahoo yayayayayayayaya yahooooo
pearly gates clip
Can you do it without pressing A?
Currently it’s down to half an A press.
An A press is an A press, you can’t say it is only half!
A button press has 2 distinct actions, a press and a release. The button gets pressed but not let go, so half is a perfectly cromulent way to describe it.
I hope someone got fired for that blunder
What about rocket jumping?
No parallel universes employed => Access denied
No scuttlebug?
You didn’t quite clip through the St. Peter activation hitbox and still got the dialog
Heaven just has the Castle music on loop.
Rather than study for my qualifying exams while I was a PhD student, I learned to blj.
I actually did really well, but then crashed and burned horribly at everything else.
Just don’t overdo it or the height value overflows and you turn up in hell anyway.
Afterlife Pro Tips
I don’t know man, if you play Stairway to Heaven backwards it says “Here’s to my sweet Satan” at various points.
This all stems from claims made by Televangelist Paul Crouch in 1982. Crouch claimed on his TBN show that when you play Led Zeppelin’s classic ‘Stairway to Heaven’ backwards, the “bustle in your hedgerow” line of the tune actually says: “Here’s to my sweet Satan/The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan/He will give those with him 666/There was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan”.