Oh. Right. Like everyone here isn’t hauling ass to the holodeck first thing to bang Troi.
Well, okay - some of you may not but. Still. You can’t fault Barclay for that.
Speak for yourself, I’d be hauling ass to have some angry Klingon ladies stepping on my balls with their equivalent of high heels
Fair enough - you know your boy Barclay has something for that.
If he doesn’t Quark definitely does
Beverly Crusher for me.
While in contrast, you are dead to her. Do you hear me, dead!?
Or at least, you hope… :-P
Also good!
Barclay represents us in our modern era.
If we all had access to holodecks, 80% of it’s usage would be directed for porn.
The rest would be dedicated to conversing in long winded sourhernisms with Mark Twain on a stream boat on the Mississippi
The main alternate universe is just full of sex addicts and porn with endless access to the Sexamotron
The Terran Sexpire.
Arrives in the Terran Sexpire … slips and slides on all the liquid and fluids everywhere
I do declare!
No way!
Definitely it would be closer to 90%, if the internet is any indicator.:-)
If I wasn’t bound for hell before, I sure am now!
I know they got old for the audience, but at least holodeck episodes let the actors do something different once in a while.
The last season or two of VOY is “guess which cast member can sing?” and it got real old real fast. Also it was usually Jeri.
I like the holodeck episodes where they explore some kooky story idea and it’s not just lazy “safeties are disabled and we can’t shut it off”.
That’s why I liked the casino heist Vic Fontaine one. They all acknowledged that they could simply reset the Vic Fontaine program if they couldn’t be arsed with the ‘easter egg’ (for lack of a better word) that Felix left there, and it would be completely fine.
But they simply didn’t want to. There was no danger at any point.
Yes I know I could reinstall but I’d lose all my saves!
Badda Bing Badda Bang is the best holodeck episode and a DS9 top-ten, and its central conceit has made it more relevant than ever, now there’s a common recognition of the value and significance we derive from virtual worlds, and our habit of anthropomorphizing LLMs.
Vic would be erased.
Which isn’t a big deal, he’s a holodeck character that they said wasn’t sentient, just very well-made.
Time to rewatch Bride of Chaotica