“Bill Gates wants to put a chip in my brain!” [Riots.]
“Musk is eliminating any oversight so he can put a chip in my brain!” [Thunderous applause.]
If these people volunteer and we end up having elections again it could solve the problem…
Can’t have people in the way of testing on humans.
Just full speed ahead to Nazitown on self drive.
Sounds a little bit like how Nazi scientists did all kinds of weird shit to people.
nothing is coincidence
How long until they use their concentration camps for subjects? Promise the detainees freedom after “a few mild experiments” and you’d have plenty to test on.
If it came out he was forcibly experimenting on trans people, would you even be surprised?
That’s just legit reason for Luigi at that point. Like that’s so horrifying I think most of the population in the US would murmur quiet approval, even if they’d voted for dump.
So the reaction would be the same as when a piece of shit healthcare CEO got blue shelled?
A quiet murmur of approval and understanding, then silence?
No. And worse, I think over half country wouldn’t care.
“immigration incentives”
A potentially positive influence on receiving review on your concentration camp status
This is what Musk came to America for, the land of the free, free of laws, free of oversight, free to do terrible things without reprecutions.
Free to be a Nazi
Free to buy the legislative, judiciary, and executive.
I prefer the best money can buy. Best politicians, legal system, healthcare, education…all can be had for the right price.
I wonder who fElon is rooting for in that Cabaret “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” scene…
I read that initially as fee-lon and was super confused lol 😅
I was gonna say “lol dude was in South Africa do you realize how corrupt and incompetent it is there with situations like Eskom routinely shutting off power to paid customers?”
But then I realized in South Africa the “evil black man” stood up to the Afrikaans to take back their country so they won’t bend over backwards for him.
America on the other hand… They’re a bastion of recessive policies and racist undertones.
What you have to understand. South Africa took back democratic control. As a country we have been forced to process institutional racism. We have been confronted by it and have to work to over come it. It was done in a remarkably smooth way as well (but let’s not forget all those who died to achieve it)
The USA and many other countries never had this flash point realisation/reckoning - it’s just in the back ground with people who deny racism exists - or don’t understand privilege. It’s all just hidden under the surface.
South Africa has its issues and a hangover from this past but it also has people who work very hard to try get us back to functioning well. We are stronger as a nation because we have confronted these racial ideologies and it’s out in the open - there are words for it - it can be identified- and so now it can be processed and healing can happen.
It’s been a generation since and it’s going to take another two or three to get there but we doing it.
Counties with this sub surface crap will never confront their issues - and they will need a reckoning.
I’m curious if you’re white or black. My girlfriend is Zulu and although things have changed there is still a schism between specifically Afrikaans and the various tribes. Things are 100% better now and those in the born-free generation but it will take a long time for the sting to leave.
As I’m Canadian and familiar with our own Truth and Reconciliation I’m curious as your country started where you are in your journey and what challenges exist in completing it.
Where I think SA and Canada both synergize is we both have a great sense of humour and pride of who we are, and if you come at one of us you come at all of us.
White male english - very aware of my privilege - family members killed by previous government. Also in urban centre…
There is still a divide yes - and it’s made worse by socio economics. The old guard on both sides of the rift needs to pass on now. But I see hope in the youth and in the workplace. It’s more that the divide is acknowledged by most - which means the younger generations are able to process it.
Yeah I notice the acknowledgement is the huge difference to what you see elsewhere.
Trevor Noah put it right in paraphrasing, when the racism is so open it’s easy to see the ridiculousness of it.
It is astonishing that people voted for such corruption. Fucking idiots.
Yes, but they are winning against the WOKEMINDVIRUS, which was obviously having so much impact on their personal lives…
But now they’ve been saved from the scourge of, umm, people who put pronouns in their email signature.
Next they’ll come for Mr. Ms. and Mrs.
You know, I just noticed: there’s no “r” in missus, so abbreviating it “Mrs” doesn’t really make sense. Maybe it’s supposed to be a possessive, like Mr’s, rather than an actual gender signifier.
The abbreviations Mr. and Mrs. derive from master and mistress, respectively. Over time we’ve kinda lazily shortened the pronunciation from mistress to missus but kept the abbreviation.
Good on her for staying, but as I recall, formal notice would’ve only given her 30 more days.
Gee, what a weird coincidence.
Remember what happened to that one billionaire who didn’t follow regulations? His sub imploded.
Remember how Christians would throw fits about things like barcodes and credit cards, because they were worried about “the Mark of the Beast?”
If Elon requires everyone to be chipped to buy and sell stuff, will that be enough to get them to see what’s going on?
Oh we know the answer to that one. Now.
How dare you accuse the prince of crimes.