Duh? His plan is to slash regulations and increase tariffs meaning companies will be able to set whatever price they want without oversight and blame it on other countries retaliatory tariffs all while laughing all the way to the bank after buying any and all competition.
I mean, his trade war mentality the first time is what put us in this situation to begin with. I don’t know how anyone will be surprised when the price of literally everything starts skyrocketing again next year.
I don’t know how anyone will be surprised when the price of literally everything starts skyrocketing again next year.
The average person is incredibly dumb.
It will also keep interest rates from coming down. Markets are already expecting fewer cuts.
I don’t know how anyone will be surprised when the price of literally everything starts skyrocketing again next year.
And yet, I bet the bulk of his supporters will be very pikachu face if they do. Faux News, etc., will have to scramble to explain to the deplorables how this is really the fault of [qon boogeyman].
Thanks Obama!
Fucking morons bouta get rekt.
…bouta get us all rekt
We all gonna get what the MAGAts deserve.
Too bad the people that FELT POOR Y’ALL aren’t going to be the only ones paying the price for their stupid choices.
If only there were lessons to learn from the past https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoot–Hawley_Tariff_Act
Ben Stein gets it.
Good luck with that, dumb shits. Costs are going to go up significantly.
Do they think there is a switch in the oval office that you can turn from expensive groceries to cheap groceries? Like with oil?
Trump told them there’s a giant faucet that Canada uses to keep water from California. So I’m gonna go with yes, they think there’s a switch.
Not going to lie, it’s going to be funny to see trump voter’s forced smiles when a gallon of milk is $20. At least everyone else can be congruent with their disdain and suffering.
They’re so tribal that they have to eat their chosen strongman’s shit with a smile.
Maybe the silver lining in all this will be an aggressive mass rejection of crony market capitalism, but probably not.
After all… look over there! That hungry person on the street corner begging for food that has a different skin complexion than you, they’re the one that made your milk so expensive, git em!
They’ll never blame Trump for that. And Trump will blame the previous administration. That’s how it works in this country. Moronic political system.
They’ll never outwardly blame Trump for that. Hence the strained smiles. When they crow about accountability and personal responsibility, that’s just projection, they know at some level having none is what makes them modern Republicans.
Republicans can do and have unleashed knowing pain on themselves solely because their enemies would suffer too as the point. They believe that’s all government is for, a way to hurt people, a weapon.
A Republican has no problem walking around in discomfort with shit in their pants, so long as the innumerable people they hate have to smell it. The cruelty is the point. The play pretend that their guy didn’t cause the same pain to them as they revel in your pain for the exact same problem is just fanning their shitty ass towards you.
The Tribe That Rubs Shit In Their Hair ™ is going to have a helluva time with their cognitive dissonance, let me tell you.
The math was always simple. He had two main economic proposals. And tariffs + destroying the agrarian workforce = higher prices.
Don’t forget raising taxes if your not 1%
The lucky thing is people are going to get punished for being stupid. It won’t teach anything, but here we are.
A major foundation of capitalism is forcing people to serve capital for basic human needs. especially food and shelter.
Another major foundation is printing money for the rich while impoverishing everybody else through inflation.
So the system has no choice but to constantly and wildly raise the prices of food, shelter, etc.
Trump’s primary strategy is to raise wages, not lower prices.
I have had multiple people claim this at me this over the last few days and when challenged thus far nobody has actually be able to articulate how he or for that matter anyone else in his entourage plans to do this, especially in light of Republicans consistently and steadfastly working against any and all minimum wage increases at least since Nixon.
So, the ball’s in your court.
“Trump will raise wages.”
Okay, smart guy, how?
That’s not what he’s saying. Then again, he’s always been full of crap.
Team Blue showed they didn’t care and shouldn’t have been given another chance to do nothing
Agreed. If only they had [Republican Lawsuit] the [Republican Lawsuit] maybe we could have [Republican Lawsuit]. Instead, they [Republican Lawsuit], [Republican Lawsuit], and [Republican Lawsuit] to keep the [Republican Lawsuit] in place.
Team blue foolishly tried to govern in good faith. Meanwhile team obstruction are done now blocking supreme court nominations and bipartisan legislation, and are completing their metamorphosis from obstruction to plain old destruction. The slowest, most blatant coup in history and somehow no one was particularly interested in stopping it. With all the immigrants in concentration camps, storms and natural disasters spiralling out of control, sweetheart deals for iron fisted billionaires and the unraveling of public health, education, and runaway inflation, who will the scapegoat be when they control all three branches of government?
They weren’t trying to government in good faith. Harris’ own advisers advised against welcoming other war criminals into the fold, pushing to the right, and touring with someone that voted with Trump 75% of the time.
Again liberals hubris and arrogance caused them to lose.
I voted for Harris out of harm reduction, but let’s not pretend both parties taking the corporate bribe money from wall street, and only fighting about how to address, if at all, the symptoms of our crony market capitalist economy leaves any room for good faith.
Anyone governing a people in good faith would protect the relatively powerless people from the whims and greed of the powerful capitalists and corporations. Both modern parties do the opposite and take the bribes.
This is America, we haven’t dabbled in such things since FDR.